onsdag 23 maj 2007

New Job

Dear friends. I receive questions upon what I am doing right now.
Here follows a short description…

I am the project-leader of the Swedish Institute Leadership programme - the flagship of the Swedish Institute regarding trade and industry.

The Swedish Institute (SI) is a public agency established to increase knowledge of and interest in Sweden worldwide. Through active communication and the promotion of broad cultural, educational and scientific exchanges, the SI establishes relationships between Sweden and other countries.

The Swedish Institute works in close cooperation with Swedish and foreign partners and with Swedish embassies and consulates-general abroad. The SI maintains a close dialogue with other government/public and semi-public actors working to promote Sweden, such as the Invest in Sweden Agency (ISA) and the Swedish Trade Council (Exportrådet).

The Swedish Institute Leadership Programme will start in 2007. The programme is intersectoral and the target group consists of young key persons in managerial positions in trade and industry and in the public sector, emphasizing business related issues.

The goal is to, in five years, create a profile for the Swedish Institute Leadership Programme as one of the front-line Post-MBA programmes on an executive level in northern Europe. Value words such as innovation, openness, consideration and autentic shall automatically be associated with the Swedish Institute Leadership Programme.

We have chosen to give the leadership programme the profile of a development oriented management programme centered on the conditions of people and the environment. The general theme for the programme is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

CSR means that companies on their own initiative commit themselves to and are responsible for the development of society. It can regard for example an increased awareness of environmental issues, more thorough control of suppliers, human rights, health initiatives, and diversity and competence development. This work can either be conducted internally or it can consist of initiatives leading to strategic partnerships with public institutions or non-governmental organizations.

The issues and concerns of my heart are the same. The actors and arenas are different and my job is inspiring, challenging, important and great fun.

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Honey, where's the link to the Swedish Institute?

Anonym sa...

Hello! NU krånglar din mail igen....

Skickar filen här istället och passar på att uppmuntra alla att LÄSA, AGERA & SKICKA VIDARE!


Kram Lotta

Charlotta sa...

Jag är glad att du gör fina saker i världen och till människorna. Ett barn av motsatsernas Vivalla... tur att det finns fler som dig och din familj!

Anonym sa...

Dear Åsa,

Many thanks for a very interesting blog; engaged in various social issues.

I just wanted bring your attention to the website www.globeforum.com , where we on the online business community are having a CSR discussion. Do join in!


Parul Sharma , :-)