onsdag 21 februari 2007

The Iraq War De-Escalation Act


Jag vet inte tillräckligt mycket om Barack Obama ännu. Men han har blivit lite av min politiska förebild. Han avancerar snabbt. Han lyssnar. Han vågar ta ställning, trots att alla råder honom at vara försiktig så att han inte i tidigt stadium blir överkörd av fru Clinton. Irak väcker äckelkänslor. Barack ger framtidshopp!

"I was opposed to this war from the beginning because, in part, I believed it would lead to the devastating, open-ended occupation in which we find ourselves mired today.

I've introduced legislation that would bring this tragic chapter in our history to a close.

It's called the Iraq War De-Escalation Act. It makes the U.S. policy on Iraq crystal clear. It stops the escalation now and begins a redeployment to bring U.S. combat forces out of Iraq by March 31, 2008.

If you want to cut through the political games and support a clear policy that will get us out of Iraq, sign on to support it now and spread the word:


This campaign is about the hopes and dreams of people like you. And the cost of the continued occupation of Iraq stands in the way of meeting the many challenges we face.

We can't change America until we change direction in Iraq.

We can't be naive. It won't happen today. It won't happen tomorrow.

But this campaign offers the opportunity for people like you to organize in your own community. Together we can build the critical mass to affect that change."

Jag skulle kunna tänka mig att jobba i hans valkampanj nästa sommar.

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