måndag 19 mars 2007

Dialogue for change

48 % of the world's population is today under 25 years of age and the world has never had a better educated and more communicative generation. Globalization, advances in knowledge and technology have heightened the corporate sense of responsibility in society. Human issues will be on the corporate agenda for the next decade. How do you as a company want to be perceived by young people and where will a cross-sectorial and – generational dialogue take place?

The project I am managing at the moment will be presenting our ideas at a Round Table discussion on Globe Forum, April 19. For further information see www.globeforum.com.

2 kommentarer:

carl-richard sa...

... och 10% av jordens befolkning är en indier under 25 bast. Så kanske borde the corporate agenda skrivas på hindi?

Anonym sa...

Hej Åsa-fina!

Tänkte bara meddela att jag hittat din blogg!
Den är fin och det är härligt att få läsa dina tankar om allt möjligt!